Boom, J. (2011). A LGM for evaluating interventions. Paper presented at Working Group “Structural Equation Modeling” meeting 2010: Utrecht (2010, February 25). |
Boom, J. (2010). Analysing microgenetic data with Mplus. Paper presented at the workshop Theorising and measuring developmental change: The microdevelopmental (microgenetic) approach. Preconference of the BPS Developmental Psychology Section Conference: London (2010, September 12 – 2010, September 15). |
Van de Schoot, R., Velden, F. van der, Boom, J. & Brugman, D. (2010). Can at-risk young adolescents be popular and anti-social? : Sociometric status groups, anti-social behaviour, gender and ethnic background. Journal of Adolescence, 33, 583-592. |
Van der Velden, F., Brugman, D., Boom, J. & Koops, W. (2010). Effects of EQUIP for Educators on students’ self-serving cognitive distortions, moral judgment, and antisocial behavior. Journal of research in character education, 8, 77-95. |
Boom, J. (2011). From Moral Development to Moral Psychology. Paper presented at the 36th Annual meeting of the Association for Moral Education: St. Louis, Missoury, USA (2010, November 4 – 2010, November 6). |
Weijer-Bergsma, E. van de, Wijnroks, L., Boom, J., Vries, L.S. de, Haastert, I.C. van & Jongmans, M.J. (2010). Individual differences in developmental trajectories of A-not-B perormance in infants born preterm. Developmental Neuropsychology, 35(6), 605-621. |
Messer, M.H., Leseman, P.P.M., Mayo, A.Y. & Boom, J. (2010). Long-term phonotactic knowledge supports verbal short-term memory in young native and second language learners. Journal of experimental child psychology, 105, 306-323. |
Boom, J. (2010). Measuring moral development: Stages as markers along a Latent Developmental Dimension. In W. Koops, D. Brugman, T..J. Ferguson & A..F. Sanders (Eds.), The Development and Structure of Conscience (pp. 151-167). Hove and New York: Psychology Press. |
Van der Velden, F., Brugman, D., Boom, J. & Koops, W. (2010). Moral cognitive processes explaining antisocial behavior in young adolescents. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 34(4), 292-301. |
Ven, S.H.G. van der, Boom, J., Kroesbergen, E.H. & Leseman, P.P.M. (2010). Strategies and working memory when learning mathematics: A microgenetic approach. Paper presented at the workshop Theorising and measuring developmental change: The microdevelopmental (microgenetic) approach: Preconference of the BPS Developmental Psychology Section Conference, London (2010, September 12 – 2010, September 15). |
Goethem, A.A.J. van, Van Hoof, A., van Aken, M.A.G., Boom, J. & Orobio de Castro, B. (2010). The role of adolescents’ morality and identity in their civic prosocial behavior. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA): Vilnius, Lithuania. |
San, M.R.P.J.R.S van, Boom, J. & Weltevrede, A. (2009). Antilliaanse Rotterdammers 2009. Een monitor van hun maatschappelijk positie. Rotterdam: RISBO/EUR. |
Van der Velden, F., Brugman, D., Boom, J. & Koops, W. (2009). Effects of EQUIP for Educators on students ’moral cognitions and antisocial behavior. 35th Annual meeting of the Association for Moral Education: Utrecht (2009, July 2). |
Ven, S.H.G. van der, Kroesbergen, E.H., Leseman, P.P.M. & Boom, J. (2009). Executive Functions and Math Learning. EARLI: Amsterdam (2009, August 15 – 2009, August 29). |
Boom, J. (2009). Piaget on Equilibration. In U Müller, J Carpendale & L Smith (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Piaget (pp. 132-149). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
Boom, J. (2009). The MJRT 2009: Measuring Moral Competence Development. 35th Annual meeting of the Association for Moral Education: Utrecht (2009, July 2). |
Van der Velden, F., Brugman, D., Boom, J. & Koops, W. (2009). The role of community, cognitive distortions, and moral judgment in adolescent antisocial behavior. 35th Annual meeting of the Association for Moral Education: Utrecht (2009, July 2). |
Goethem, A.A.J. van, Van Hoof, A., Boom, J., van Aken, M.A.G. & Orobio de Castro, B. (2009). The role of moral development, identity, family characteristics, and personality in the civic behavior of adolescents. A proposal. Poster gepresenteerd tijdens het AME congres (Association for Moral Education): Utrecht (2009, July 2 – 2009, July 4). |
Boom, J. (2008). A growth model with an intervention. Paper presented at the VNOP: Wageningen (2008, May 16 – 2008, May 16). |
Boom, J. & Crone, E. (2008). Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience. Organisers Preconference Workshop at the XXth Biennial Meetings of the International Society for Behavioural Development: Würzburg, Germany (2008, July 12 – 2008, July 13). |
Weijer-Bergsma, E. van de, Wijnroks, L., Boom, J., Vries, L.S. de, Haastert, I.C. van & Jongmans, M.J. (2008). Early development of executive attention in infants born preterm. Paper presented at the Development of Executive Functions Workshop, University of Oxford: Oxford, United Kingdom (2008, August 30 – 2008, August 31). |
Boom, J. (2008). Egocentrism in Moral Development (part of symposium: Piaget’s Concept of Egocentrism: Exegesis and Prospect). Paper presented at the 38st Annual Meeting of The Jean Piaget Society: Québec City, Canada (2008, June 6 – 2008, June 8). |
Ven, S.H.G. van der, Kroesbergen, E.H., Leseman, P.P.M. & Boom, J. (2008). Executive Functions and Math Learning. Paper presented at the Jean Piaget Society 18th Advanced Course, Cognitive Development: Mechanisms and Constraints: Geneva (2008, July 3 – 2008, July 5). |
Hoijtink, H.J.A. & Boom, J. (2008). Inequality Constrained Latent Class Models. In H.J.A. Hoijtink, I.G. Klugkist & P.A. Boelen (Eds.), Bayesian Evaluation of Informative Hypotheses (pp. 227-246). New York: Springer. |
Weijer-Bergsma, E. van de, Wijnroks, L., Jongmans, M.J. & Boom, J. (2008). The development of executive attention in children born preterm: Influences of biological and social experiences. Paper presented at 20th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development: Würzburg, Germany (2008, July 12 – 2008, July 13). |
Ven, S.H.G. van der, Kroesbergen, E.H., Boom, J. & Leseman, P.P.M. (2008). The structure and development of executive functions and their relationship with mathematical abilities in young children. Paper presented at 20th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development: Würzburg, Germany (2008, July 12 – 2008, July 13). |
Ven, S.H.G. van der, Kroesbergen, E.H., Leseman, P.P.M. & Boom, J. (2008). The structure of executive functions and math learning, Domain-General and Domain-Specific Cognitive Processes in the Development of Learning Disabilities. Paperpresentatie op ISED-researchdag: Amsterdam (2008, November 12). |
Boom, J., Wouters, H & Keller, M (2007). A cross-cultural validation of stage development: A Rasch re-analysis of longitudinal socio-moral reasoning data. Cognitive Development, 22(2), 213-229. |
Boom, J. & Ter Laak, J.J.F. (2007). Classes in balance: developmental trends for the balance scale. Developmental Review, 27, 127-149. |
Boom, J. & Ter Laak, J.J.F. (2007). Classes in the balance: Latent Class Analysis and the Balance Scale Task. Developmental Review: Perspectives in behavior and cognition, 27, 127-149. |
Van der Velden, F., Brugman, D., Boom, J. & Koops, W. (2007). Effects of EQUIP for Educators on moral cognitions and behavior. Paper presented at ISED Research Day: Leiden, The Netherlands (2007, November 22). |
Van der Velden, F., Brugman, D., Boom, J. & Koops, W. (2007). Effects of EQUIP for educators on moral cognitions and behavior. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education: New York, U.S.A. (2007, November 15 – 2007, November 17). |
Boom, J. (2007). Modeling Development of Higher Cognitive Tasks. Symposium converner at the 37st Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society: Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2007, May 31 – 2007, June 2). |
Van der Velden, F., Brugman, D., Boom, J. & Koops, W. (2007). Moral cognitive processes explaining antisocial behavior in low-education adolescents. Poster presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society: Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2007, May 31 – 2007, June 2). |
Boom, J. (2007). Strategies as a Latent Categorical Variable in Advance Modeling. Paper presented at the 37st Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society: Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2007, May 31 – 2007, June 2). |
Boom, J. & Oosterwegel, A. (2007). hierarchical re-organization in self-understanding: A quantitative analysis using growth mixture modeling. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society: Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2007, May 31 – 2007, June 2). |
Van der Velden, F., Brugman, D., Boom, J. & Koops, W. (2006). Explaining antisocial behavior using moral cognitive variables. 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education: Fribourg, Zwitserland (2006, July 5 – 2006, July 7). |
Boom, J. (2006). Measuring moral competence development. In Paper presented at the AME conference, Fribourg, Switzerland, 7 July 2007. |
Boom, J. (2006, June 23). Measuring moral development. The Hague, The Netherlands, Paper presented at an expert meeting: Development and Structure of Conscience. |
Boom, J. (2006). Working memory effects on balance scale task performance. In Paper presented at the EWOMS-3 conference, Genova, Italy, 9 June 2006. |
Laudy, O., Zoccolillo, M., Baillargeon, R.H., Boom, J., Tremblay, R.E. & Hoijtink, H.J.A. (2005). Applications of confirmatory latent class analysis in developmental psychology. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2, 1-15. |
Boom, J. & Brugman, D. (2005). Measuring moral development in adolescents. In W. van Haaften, T. Wren & A. Tellings (Eds.), Moral Sensibilities and Education III. The adolescent (pp. 87-112). Bemmel/London/Paris: Concorde. |
Boom, J. & Dawson-Tunik, T. (2005, June 4). Modeling and measuring social and moral development. Vancouver, Canada, Symposium conveners at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society. |
Laudy, O., Boom, J. & Hoijtink, H.J.A. (2004). Bayesian computational methods for inequality constrained latent class analysis. In L.A. van der Ark, M.A. Croon & K. Sijtsma (Eds.), New Developments in Categorical Data analysis for the Social and Behavioral Sciences (pp. 63-83). Mahway, NJ: Erlbaum. |
Boom, J. & Brugman, D. (2004). Moral development and context. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, July 11-15: Ghent, Belgium (2004, July 11). |
Boom, J. (2004). Moral development in a dynamic context. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, July, 11-15: Ghent, Belgium (2004, July 14). |
Brand, A.N., Panhuysen, G.E.M., Kunst, H., Boom, J. & Lodewijkx, H.F.M. (2003). From theory to research: Computer applications in a novel educational program for introductory psychology. In F.J. Maarse, A.E. Akkerman, A.N. Brand & L.J.M. Mulder (Eds.), Clinical assessment, computerized methods, and instrumentation (pp. 136-143). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. |
Boom, J. (2003). Individualism and Collectivism: A Dynamic Systems Interpretation of Piaget’s Interactionsm. In J.I.M. Carpendale & U. Muller (Eds.), Social Interaction and the development of Knowledge: Critical Evaluation of Piaget’ s Contribution (pp. 67-85). Mahway: Erlbaum. |
Brugman, D. & Boom, J. (2003, August 1). Moral atmosphere in school, adolescents’ moral development and their misbehavior. Padova, EARLI. |
Boom, J. (2003). The normative character of strategies. Paper presented at “Norms and Development” the 16th advanced course of the Archives Jean Piaget: Geneva (2003, September 25 – 2003, September 27). |
Boom, J. (2001, May 31). Cognitive strategies and latent classes in the Water Level task and the Balance Scale task. Berkeley California, USA, Paper presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society. |
Boom, J. (2002, May 28). Een model voor lange en korte termijn verandering in de denkstrategieën van kinderen in de basisschoolleeftijd. Woudschoten, Paper gepresenteerd op de Ised-Utrecht Tweedaagse, 28 en 29 Mei 2002. |
Engbersen, G.B.M., Staring, R., Boom, J., Van der Heijden, P.G.M. & Cruyff, M.J.L.F (2002). Illegale vreemdelingen in Nederland. Omvang, overkomst, verblijf en uitzetting. Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit: RISBO. |
Brugman, D. & Boom, J. (2002, November 1). Moral Atmosphere in School, Moral Competence and Moral Self-Complexity as Predictors of Externalizing Behavior in Russian Adolescents: A longitudinal study. Chicago, USA, Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education. |
Boom, J. (2002, June 6). Why longitudinal research is impossible for cognitive strategies and what to do instead. Philadelphia, PA, Paper presented at the 32th Annual Meeting of The Jean Piaget Society, June 6-8, 2002. |
Brugman, D., Heymans, P.G. & Boom, J. (2001, August 1). Adolescents’ Perception of School Moral Atmosphere, Moral Competence, Self-complexity and Norm-Transgressing Behavior in School. Fribourg, Switzerland, Paper presented at EARLI. |
Brugman, D., Heymans, P.G. & Boom, J. (2001, August 31). Adolescents´ perception of school moral atmosphere, moral competence, self-complexity and normtransgressing behavior. Fribourg, Germany, EARLI Conference. |
Boom, J. & Dolan, C.V. (2001, August 22). Categorical latent strategies and water-level task data. Uppsala, Sweden, Paper presented at the Xth European Conference on Developmental Psychology. |
Brand, N., Panhuysen, G.E.M., Kunst, H., Boom, J. & Lodewijkx, H.F.M. (2001). From theory to research: Computer applications in a novel educational program for Introductory Psychology. In F.J. Maarse, A.E. Akkerman, A.N. Brand & L.J.M. Mulder (Eds.), Clinical Assessment, Computerized Methods and Instrumentarium. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. |
Boom, J., Kunnen, E.S. & Hoijtink, H.J.A. (2001). Rules in the balance: classes strategies or rules for the balance scale task? Cognitive Development, 16, 717-735. |
Boom, J., Brugman, D. & Podolskij, A.I. (2001, August 22). The Moral Judgement Sorting Task. Uppsala, Sweden, Paper presented at the Xth European Conference on Developmental Psychology. |
Laan, L. van der, Oort, F.G. van & Boom, J. (2000). ICT-medewerkers en -organisaties in ruimtelijk-economisch perspectief. In A. de Grip, S. de Groot, K. Kuipers, H. Scholten & M. Wolbers (Eds.), De arbeidsmarkt van de toekomst (pp. 212-226). Maastricht: NAD & ROA. |
Laan, L. van der, Boom, J. & Oort, F.G. van (2000). Regionale arbeidsmarkten en de kenniseconomie. Den Haag: Ministerie van VROM. |
Olthof, T., Kunnen, E.S. & Boom, J. (2000). Simulating mother-child interaction: Exploring two varieties of a non-linear dynamic systems approach. Infant and Child Development, 9, 33-60. |
Brugman, D., Podolskij, A.I., Heymans, P.G., Boom, J. & Karabanova, O. (2000, May 1). The effects of developing an orientation base in secondary school students for assessing the moral atmosphere in school. Jena, Germany, Paper presented at the 7th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Research on AdolescenceARA. |
Kunnen, E.S., Olthof, T. & Boom, J. (2000). Theory and mathematics in building dynamic systems models: What prevails? A reply to Van der Maas and Raaijmakers. Infant and Child Development, 9, 85-89. |
Brand, A.N., Panhuysen, G.E.M., Kunst, H., Boom, J. & Lodewijkx, H.F.M. (1999). Gebruik van MINDS in een eerstejaars cursus psychologie. In A.N. Brand, S. Doosje & B.A. Wesselingh (Eds.), Zevende workshop Computers in de Psychologie – Extended abstracts (pp. 34-36). Utrecht: UU, FSW. |
Boom, J. (1999, June 17). Moral competence and moral atmosphere. Obminsk, The Obminsk Conference. |
Boom, J. (1999, July 12). On detecting hierarchy: Between philosophical and empirical/psychological analysis. Utrecht, The Mosaic conference. |
Boom, J. (1999, November 19). On detecting hierarcy: Between philosophical and empirical/psychological analysis. Minnesota, The AME conference. |
Brugman, D., Boom, J., Heymans, P.G., Ter Laak, J.J.F. & Brugman, G.M.M. (1998). Moral Atmosphere and Moral Self in Secondary School Students. subsidie-aanvraag: . |
Boom, J. (1997). Cognitive development. In A.W. van Haaften, M. Korthals & T. Wren (Eds.), Philosophy of development. Reconstruction of the foundations of human development and education (pp. 101-117). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. |
Boom, J. (1997). Het Meten van Morele Competentie anno 1997. Tijdschrift voor Ontwikkelingspsychologie, 23(2), 62-62. |
Boom, J. (1997, April 16). Het Meten van de Ontwikkeling van Morele Competentie anno 1997. Leusden, Congres van de Onderzoeksgroep Ontwikkelingspsychologie van de Stichting voor Gedragswetenschappen. |
Boom, J. & Brugman, G.M.M. (1997). Metaphores and Schematizations of Developmental Stages. Tijdschrift voor Ontwikkelingspsychologie, 23(2), 111-112. |
Boom, J. & Brugman, G.M.M. (1997). Metaphores and Schematizations of Developmental Stages. Congres van de Onderzoeksgroep Ontwikelingspsychologie van de Stichting voor Gedragswetenschappen: Leusden (1997, April 16). |
Boom, J. & Brugman, D. (1997). Morele Ontwikkeling: van Individuele Constructie tot Gezamenlijk Ervaren Identiteit. Congres van de Onderzoeksgroep Ontwikkelingspsychologie van de Stichting voor Gedragswetenschappen: Leusden (1997, April 16). |
Boom, J. (1997). The Concept of Developmental Stages: A Reconstruction of its Development. the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development: Washington, D.C. (1997, April 3). |
Boom, J., Gerlagh, G. & Hartog, A. den (1997). The Waterlevel Task and Hysteresis. Tijdschrift voor Ontwikkelingspsychologie, 23(2), 112-112. |
Boom, J., Gerlagh, G. & Hartog, A. den (1997). The Waterlevel Task and Hysteresis. Congres van de Onderzoeksgroep Ontwikkelingspsychologie van de Stichting voor Gedragswetenschappen: Leusden (1997, April 16). |
Boom, J. (1996). Modelling Epigenetic Emergence. Conference The Growing Mind: Geneva, Zwitserland (1996, September 17). |
Brugman, D. & Boom, J. (1996, July 16). Sociomoral development in adolescents with behavioral problems. Lancaster, the 25th Anniversary Conference of the Journal for Moral Education. |
Boom, J. (1996). The fourth factor in development. In J. Boom, G. Gerlagh & A. den Hartog (Eds.), Abstractsbook of The Growing Mind Conference (pp. 167). The Growing Mind Conference. |
Boom, J. (1996, September 17). The fourth factor in development. Geneva, Zwitserland, Conference The Growing Mind. |
Boom, J., Gerlagh, G. & Hartog, A. den (1996). The waterleveltask and hysteresis. In Abstractsbook of The Growing Mind Conference. |
Boom, J., Gerlagh, G. & Hartog, A. den (1996). The waterleveltask and hysteresis. Conference The Growing Mind: Geneva, Zwitserland (1996, September 15). |